I apologize to my readers for not writing too much lately. I've been busy writing a new book on Virginia wineries which I hope to complete in just a few months. So I've taken a break from magazine writing and of course from reporting and writing updates for this blog. Rest assured rosewoodhillfarm.com will resume with a passion and soon.
Last night I rushed home from Charlottesville as fast as one can "rush" in a snow storm. The day was warm with temperature in the 50s. No one took the weatherman seriously when he said he would have snow because it was so warm. But snow is what it did and more is forecast for today.
I stayed out late at a dinner party and told my host I needed to get home to feed my guard dog Molly. My neighbor Melvin Jenkins gives Molly beef bones so I often find her laying next to his house guarding his cattle instead of on my property guarding my goats. The dog goes back and forth looking to see who will give him a better meal.
I have two dogs: a working dog and a "soup dog". Melvin gave my black lab Will this name meaning an animal that lies around waiting for food and does not do much of anything else. Will has been reduced to wearing an electric collar and sleeping in my bed and on the couch since I cannot trust him to go outside too long for he will run off. His one redeeming feature is he can retrieve geese when I shoot them down in the middle of the lake. Molly, the Great Pyrenees, on the other hand never runs off--except to Melvin's of course and that is within eyesight--and does a superb job of guarding the goats. At night she barks at whatever moves in the forest and chases raccoon up in the trees. In the day she takes a well-deserver rest.
This morning I got up and pat Molly on the head, brushed the snow from her coat, and then walked down to the pasture to snap pictures. Now I am need to stop writing before I run out of words so I can transcribe the interviews I made last night and cobble together another chapter for the new book this afternoon.

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