This week four goats were born on the farm. Every fall I put the does in with the buck to breed them and then the rest of the year the buck is by himself. I have 12 goats now and 6 pregnant females. So I hope to have 2 x 6 = 12 more goats when all the goats have given birth. Usually a goal has twins. Farmers say if an animal does not have twins then get rid of her because she is not producing a profit for the farm.
Four weeks after the goats are born I will vaccinate them and then vaccinate them again 4 weeks later. The males I will castrate because you cannot have but one male on a farm. If you have more than one male they will fight plus they will be aggressive toward the farmer too. Castrated male goats are called wethers.
The goats help me keep the farm orderly in three ways. First they reduce my taxes on the land because agriculture is taxed at 25% the rate of residential or industrial land. Second the goats eat the vines on the property and keep the grass mowed. Finally the goats fertilize the land as they spread manure. In the fall I will sell the males goats and keep the females so they can be bred the following season thus increasing the size of my herd.

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